Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education
Fill out the following application if you're interested in joining OJMCHE as a volunteer!
Mailing Address
Telephone Number
(check all that are of interest to you and if relevant list your skill level in the following areas)
Front Desk Reception: Includes basic customer service, retail, docent training, answering phones, etc.Special Events: Duties are subject to change but includes receiving admission money for events, general hospitality with event participants, event set-upArchive: Includes accessioning objects and documents into the archives, scanning photo documents, filing, oral history interview transcription, etc.Education: Includes curriculum design and development, assist in managing tours, data entry, etc
Special Skills (Please list: eg .language, techskills, etc.)
Tell us about yourself!
Are there any special projects that you are interested in working on?
How do you envision using your skills in the particular area of interest?
Sign Up