January 25, 2022 | 1-3pm (PT) | Free with admission, always free for members | RSVP Below
- Explore collage by various artists through history, including the artists who influenced Harley Gaber
- Consider elements when making a collage (e.g., color, shape, composition)
- Create a personal collage using images, scissors, glue, and objects (the bulk of the 60 minute workshop with be spent making a collage to take home)
Everyone is welcome, especially beginners and risk-takers! The goal is to have an experience that is free from stress or intimidation.
“This isn’t about the Holocaust.”- Harley Gaber, creator of Die Plage
Carlie Dunn, Ph. D., has worked as a mixed media collage artist for 15 years. She has studied, taught classes, and exhibited in the Portland area. Carlie’s work often includes original images of women at work and play during the 1920’s-1940’s. Using paper, paint, and objects, she creates collages that raise questions about the evolving roles of women, the environmental threats to birds, and concerns of human rights (e.g., the war in Ukraine). Recent work includes a collage study of the Oregon poet Hazel Hall, as well as using different surfaces for collage making, including world globes, boots, and hats.