Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education
Please keep in mind that requests must be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance of the date of your desired visit.
Contact Person's Full Name
School or Group Name
School or Organization Address (include street, town, state, and zip code)
Phone Number (please provide the phone number that we can reach you at on the day of the visit.)
Please indicate your group size. OJMCHE requires 1 chaperone for every 7 students in grades 7-8, and 1 chaperone for every 10 students in grades 9-12.
Total Number of Students Total Number of Chaperones
Please select the grade(s) of students who will be attending. Grade 7Grade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12University
Please select the subject area that best represents what the students on the tour are currently enrolled in/learning about. Social StudiesELA/LAReligion/TheologyArt/TheaterOther
If you selected Other above, please specify.
Student tours take place Monday-Thursday, beginning no earlier than 9:00 AM and ending no later than 3:00 PM. If possible, we try to host larger groups on Mondays or Tuesdays when the museum is closed to the public. Please refer back to the FAQs for more information.
Preferred date (month / day / year) Primary back-up date, *must be different from preferred date (month / day / year) Secondary back-up date, *must be different from above back-up date (month / day / year) Arrival Time
Select the admission rate that best meets your group’s needs. $10 per student - Pay It Forward - (this covers your admission and admission for a group that needs a scholarship)$5 per student - Standard Program Admission$2 per student - Partial ScholarshipFull Scholarship for Title I Schools (Schools will be asked to provide documentation of Title I status)
OJMCHE offers bussing scholarships in the form of reimbursement for schools where travel to the museum would take more than 30 minutes and/or for local schools where public transportation would require more than one transfer. If you believe your group fits this criteria, or are interested in learning more about bussing scholarships, please indicate so below. YesNo
Please rank your preference of exhibitions with number 1 being your top choice and 5 being your last choice. Please refer to the FAQs for a description of each exhibition.
Discrimination and Resistance The Holocaust Oregon Jewish Stories Human Rights After the Holocaust (for grades 8 and above) Temporary Exhibition
Has your school or organization previously organized a tour of OJMCHE? Yes, we’ve previously organized a tourNo, this is our first time organizing a tour
Are you visiting the museum at the beginning, middle, or end of your unit? BeginningMiddleEnd
We strive to offer differentiated programs that meet student learning needs. Please provide information about your students’ learning needs, including but not limited to the following: languages spoken (other than English), literacy levels, and physical/social/emotional needs.
We would like to hear how this museum visit builds connections with your curriculum and unit of study. Please list specific essential questions, lessons, or curriculum guiding your unit.
Please provide a learning goal/objective by completing the following prompt: As a result of this tour, my students will gain a deeper understanding of …
Is there anything else you would like your tour guide to know?
School groups of 50 students or less may add a workshop or speaker to their visit. Please note that this will increase the length of your program.
Please refer to the FAQ for a description of each workshop. To view and learn more about our Speakers’ Bureau, click here.
Understanding Judaism through ArtifactsAnalyzing Antisemitic Stereotypes and ScapegoatingLaw and Order: Legalizing Discrimination During the HolocaustLife in the Lodz GhettoResistance and Rescue During the HolocaustInterrupting ExtremismSpeaker
The Museum periodically takes pictures of group visits and special events, including classes and workshops in session. These are used in publications to promote the museum. We assume your child’s presence at the museum constitutes parental permission to use pictures of their image in this context unless otherwise noted. Photography Release Contracts can be made available for parents upon request.
I understand the Oregon Jewish Museum's photo release policy, and agree to its terms and conditions.I understand the Oregon Jewish Museum's photo release policy, and do not allow photographs to be taken.This policy does not apply to the age range of my group.
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