Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education
Contact Person Name Email Confirm Email School or Group Name Organization Address (include street, town, state, and zip code) Phone Number *please use the phone number that would be best to reach you at the day of the visit
*Please note, there must be 1 chaperone per 10 students for school groups. Please fill in the number of people in each category below that will be part of your tour group.
Students (grades 6 - university) Chaperones (parents or teachers for student tours grades 6-university) Adult Senior Adult (65 or older)
Memorial group tours are offered Mondays-Fridays, between 9am and 3pm. Memorial tours take place rain or shine. We encourage you and your group to dress accordingly. *In case of severe weather, an OJMCHE Educator will reach out to you to discuss the best path forward for your group.
Preferred date (month / day / year) Primary back-up date, *must be different from preferred date (month / day / year) Secondary back-up date, *must be different from above back-up date (month / day / year) Preferred time (Tours are offered between 9am and 3pm.)
Please select the best description of your groups’ experience with Holocaust studies:
Beginning - No prior information. This program will be an introduction for students.Basic - Audience has learned basic historical information like dates and introductory vocabulary.Moderate - Audience is familiar with historical information and vocabulary and are beginning to think about complex questions associated with Holocaust history.Advanced - Audience is fluent in historical details and is capable of conversing on the complexity of Holocaust history. Audience can connect Holocaust history to other non-Holocaust issues.
What would you like your group to take away from this tour?
OJMCHE has an incredible speakers’ bureau that are available to speak with your group about their personal or family experiences with the Holocaust. Please check this box if you are interested in learning more about having a member of our Speakers’ Bureau talk with your group at another time.
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